
HB 004


File Type :-  .rlf, .stl

File Size  :-   18 MB

(Autocad view in last blue colour image. If you buy this design you will get same images without watermark file for generate catalogue.)



General Information:-

This design can be done both in wood and all sheets. You can edit in this design. Lord tirupati.sangu and sakra good finish in depth wise. We can cut outer in this design.

Technical Information:-

Height             =   400 mm

Width              =   1500 mm

Depth(Z)         =   10 mm

( You can adjust this design size. If you adjust this design 1-100 mm without any different and Z depth you can give unlimited).

Search Terms:

artcam 3d models,headboard design,wood carving design,autocad design,border top design,arch design.